IONIC ERP Tutorial
Basic Setup
- Concepts and Terms
- Setting Up
- Company Setup
- Setting Up Taxes
- Setting Company Sales Goal
- Global Defaults
- System Settings
- Letter Head
- Buying Settings
- Supplier Group
- CRM Settings
- Lead Source
- Opportunity Type
- Sales Stage
- Sales Person
- Customer Group
- Email Group
- Contract
- Appointment Booking Settings
- Human Resource Setup
- HR Settings
- Daily Work Summary Group
- Selling Settings
- Product Bundle
- Sales Person Target Allocation
- Sales Taxes and Charges Template
- Shipping Rule
- Party Specific Item
- Item Price
- Item Group
- Unit of Measure (UoM)
- Manufacturer
- Program
- Course
- Topic
- Instructor
- Room
- Student Category
- Academic Term
- Academic Year
- Education Settings
- Basics of Manufacturing
- Manufacturing Settings
- Manufacturing Dashboard
IONIC ERP ধারণা এবং শর্তাবলী
আপনি বাস্তবায়ন শুরু করার আগে, চলুন ব্যবহার করা পরিভাষা এবং IONIC ERP-এ কিছু মৌলিক ধারণার সাথে পরিচিত হই।
মৌলিক ধারণা
এটি কোম্পানির রেকর্ডের প্রতিনিধিত্ব করে যার জন্য ERPNext সেটআপ করা হয়েছে। এই একই সেটআপের মাধ্যমে, আপনি একাধিক কোম্পানির রেকর্ড তৈরি করতে পারেন, প্রতিটি একটি ভিন্ন আইনি সত্তার প্রতিনিধিত্ব করে। প্রতিটি কোম্পানির অ্যাকাউন্টিং আলাদা হবে, কিন্তু তারা গ্রাহক, সরবরাহকারী এবং আইটেম রেকর্ড ভাগ করবে।
Setup > Company
একজন গ্রাহকের প্রতিনিধিত্ব করে। একজন গ্রাহক একজন ব্যক্তি বা একটি প্রতিষ্ঠান হতে পারে। আপনি প্রতিটি গ্রাহকের জন্য একাধিক পরিচিতি এবং ঠিকানা তৈরি করতে পারেন।
Selling > Customer
পণ্য বা পরিষেবা সরবরাহকারীর প্রতিনিধিত্ব করে। আপনার টেলিফোন কোম্পানি একটি সরবরাহকারী, তাই আপনার কাঁচামাল সরবরাহকারী। আবার, একজন সরবরাহকারী একজন ব্যক্তি বা একটি প্রতিষ্ঠান হতে পারে এবং তার একাধিক পরিচিতি এবং ঠিকানা থাকতে পারে।
Buying > Supplier
একটি পণ্য, উপ–পণ্য বা পরিষেবা যা হয় কেনা, বিক্রি বা তৈরি করা হয় এবং অনন্যভাবে চিহ্নিত করা হয়।
Stock > Item
একটি অ্যাকাউন্ট হল একটি শিরোনাম যার অধীনে আর্থিক এবং ব্যবসায়িক লেনদেন করা হয়। অ্যাকাউন্টের উদাহরণ হল “দেনাদার“, “ক্রেডিটর“, “ভ্যাট প্রদেয়“, “ভ্রমণ খরচ“, “বিক্রয়“, “শেয়ার ক্যাপিটাল“, ইত্যাদি। IONIC ERP ব্যাকগ্রাউন্ডে আপনার গ্রাহকদের এবং সরবরাহকারীদের ব্যালেন্স ট্র্যাক করে, তাই আপনাকে তাদের জন্য ডেডিকেটেড অ্যাকাউন্ট তৈরি করতে হবে না।
Accounting > Chart of Accounts
একটি ঠিকানা একজন গ্রাহক বা সরবরাহকারীর অবস্থানের বিবরণ উপস্থাপন করে। এগুলি বিভিন্ন অবস্থানের হতে পারে যেমন প্রধান কার্যালয়, কারখানা, গুদাম, দোকান ইত্যাদি।
Selling > Address
একটি পৃথক পরিচিতি একজন গ্রাহক বা সরবরাহকারীর অন্তর্গত বা শুধুমাত্র একজন স্বাধীন। একটি পরিচিতির একটি নাম এবং যোগাযোগের বিশদ রয়েছে যেমন ইমেল এবং ফোন নম্বর।
Selling > Contact
একটি পরিচিতি বা লিডের সাথে সমস্ত যোগাযোগের একটি তালিকা৷ সিস্টেম থেকে পাঠানো সমস্ত ইমেল যোগাযোগ টেবিলে যোগ করা হয়।
Support > Communication
Price List
একটি মূল্য তালিকা এমন একটি স্থান যেখানে বিভিন্ন রেট প্ল্যান সংরক্ষণ করা যেতে পারে। এটি একটি নাম যা আপনি একটি নির্দিষ্ট তালিকার অধীনে সঞ্চিত আইটেম মূল্যের একটি সেটকে দেন৷
Selling > Price List
Buying > Price List
Fiscal Year
একটি আর্থিক বছর বা অ্যাকাউন্টিং বছর প্রতিনিধিত্ব করে। আপনি একই সময়ে একাধিক আর্থিক বছর পরিচালনা করতে পারেন। প্রতিটি আর্থিক বছরে একটি শুরুর তারিখ এবং একটি শেষ তারিখ থাকে এবং লেনদেন শুধুমাত্র এই সময়ের মধ্যে রেকর্ড করা যেতে পারে। আপনি যখন একটি অর্থবছর “বন্ধ” করেন, তখন এর ব্যালেন্সগুলি পরবর্তী অর্থবছরের জন্য “ওপেনিং” ব্যালেন্স হিসাবে স্থানান্তরিত হয়।
Setup > Company > Fiscal Year
Cost Center
একটি খরচ কেন্দ্র একটি অ্যাকাউন্টের মতো, কিন্তু পার্থক্য হল যে এটির গঠনটি অ্যাকাউন্টগুলির তুলনায় আপনার ব্যবসাকে আরও ঘনিষ্ঠভাবে উপস্থাপন করে। উদাহরণ স্বরূপ, আপনার চার্ট অফ একাউন্টে, আপনি আপনার খরচ আলাদা করতে পারেন এর প্রকার (যেমন, ভ্রমণ, বিপণন ইত্যাদি)। আপনার খরচ কেন্দ্রের চার্টে, আপনি পণ্য লাইন বা ব্যবসায়িক গোষ্ঠী (যেমন, অনলাইন বিক্রয়, খুচরা বিক্রয়, ইত্যাদি) দ্বারা তাদের আলাদা করতে পারেন।
Accounting > Chart of Cost Centers
একটি নথি যাতে সাধারণ লেজার (GL) এন্ট্রি রয়েছে এবং সেই এন্ট্রিগুলির ডেবিট এবং ক্রেডিটগুলির যোগফল একই৷ ERPNext-এ আপনি জার্নাল এন্ট্রি ব্যবহার করে পেমেন্ট, রিটার্ন ইত্যাদি আপডেট করতে পারেন।
Accounting > Journal Entry
Sales Invoice
আইটেম (পণ্য বা পরিষেবা) সরবরাহের জন্য গ্রাহকদের কাছে পাঠানো একটি বিল।
Accounting > Sales Invoice
Purchase Invoice
আইটেম (পণ্য বা পরিষেবা) সরবরাহের জন্য সরবরাহকারীর পাঠানো একটি বিল।
Accounting > Purchase Invoice
IONIC ERP আপনাকে একাধিক মুদ্রায় লেনদেন বুক করার অনুমতি দেয়। যদিও আপনার অ্যাকাউন্টের বইয়ের জন্য শুধুমাত্র একটি মুদ্রা আছে। বিভিন্ন মুদ্রায় অর্থপ্রদান সহ আপনার চালান পোস্ট করার সময়, নির্দিষ্ট রূপান্তর হার দ্বারা পরিমাণটি ডিফল্ট মুদ্রায় রূপান্তরিত হয়।
Setup > Currency
Customer Group
গ্রাহকদের একটি শ্রেণীবিভাগ, সাধারণত বাজার বিভাগের উপর ভিত্তি করে।
Selling > Setup > Customer Group
একজন ব্যক্তি যিনি ভবিষ্যতের ব্যবসার উত্স হতে পারেন। একটি লিড সুযোগ তৈরি করতে পারে। (থেকে: “একটি বিক্রয় হতে পারে“)।
CRM > Lead
একটি সম্ভাব্য বিক্রয়. (থেকে: “একটি ব্যবসার জন্য সুযোগ“)।
CRM > Opportunity
একটি আইটেম বা পরিষেবার মূল্য নির্ধারণের জন্য গ্রাহকের অনুরোধ।
Selling > Quotation
Sales Order
একটি নোট গ্রাহকের দ্বারা একটি আইটেম (পণ্য বা পরিষেবা) সরবরাহের শর্তাবলী এবং মূল্য নিশ্চিত করে৷ ডেলিভারি, ওয়ার্ক অর্ডার এবং ইনভয়েস সেলস অর্ডারের ভিত্তিতে করা হয়।
Selling > Sales Order
বিক্রয় ব্যবস্থাপনার জন্য একটি ভৌগলিক এলাকার শ্রেণীবিভাগ। আপনি অঞ্চলগুলির জন্য লক্ষ্য নির্ধারণ করতে পারেন এবং প্রতিটি বিক্রয় একটি অঞ্চলের সাথে লিঙ্ক করা হয়৷
Selling > Setup > Territory
Sales Partner
একজন থার্ড পার্টি ডিস্ট্রিবিউটার/ ডিলার/ অ্যাফিলিয়েট/ কমিশন এজেন্ট যিনি সাধারণত কমিশনের জন্য কোম্পানির পণ্য বিক্রি করেন।
Selling > Setup > Sales Partner
কেউ যে গ্রাহকের কাছে পিচ করে এবং ডিল বন্ধ করে দেয়। আপনি বিক্রয় ব্যক্তিদের জন্য লক্ষ্য নির্ধারণ করতে পারেন এবং তাদের লেনদেনে ট্যাগ করতে পারেন।
Selling > Setup > Sales Person
Purchase Order
নির্দিষ্ট মূল্য, পরিমাণ, তারিখ এবং অন্যান্য শর্তাবলীতে নির্দিষ্ট আইটেমগুলি সরবরাহ করার জন্য সরবরাহকারীকে দেওয়া একটি চুক্তি।
Buying > Purchase Order
Material Request
একটি সিস্টেম ব্যবহারকারীর দ্বারা করা একটি অনুরোধ, অথবা স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে ERPNext দ্বারা তৈরি করা হয়েছে পুনঃক্রম স্তরের উপর ভিত্তি করে বা প্রোডাকশন প্ল্যানে আইটেমগুলির একটি সেট কেনার জন্য অনুমান করা পরিমাণ।
Buying > Material Request
Stock (Inventory)—————
একটি যৌক্তিক গুদাম যার বিরুদ্ধে স্টক এন্ট্রি করা হয়।
Stock > Warehouse
Stock Entry
একটি গুদাম থেকে, একটি গুদামে বা একটি গুদাম থেকে অন্য গুদামে উপাদান স্থানান্তর।
Stock > Stock Entry
Delivery Note
চালানের জন্য পরিমাণ সহ আইটেমগুলির একটি তালিকা। একটি ডেলিভারি নোট আপনি যেখান থেকে জাহাজে পাঠাবেন সেই গুদামের জন্য আইটেমগুলির স্টক কমিয়ে দেবে। একটি ডেলিভারি নোট সাধারণত একটি বিক্রয় আদেশের বিপরীতে তৈরি করা হয়।
Stock > Delivery Note
Purchase Receipt
একটি নোটে উল্লেখ করা হয়েছে যে সরবরাহকারীর কাছ থেকে আইটেমগুলির একটি নির্দিষ্ট সেট পাওয়া গেছে, সম্ভবত একটি ক্রয় আদেশের বিরুদ্ধে।
Stock > Purchase Receipt
Serial Number
একটি আইটেমের একটি নির্দিষ্ট ইউনিটে দেওয়া একটি অনন্য সংখ্যা।
Stock > Serial Number
একটি নির্দিষ্ট আইটেমের ইউনিটগুলির একটি গ্রুপকে দেওয়া একটি সংখ্যা যা একটি গ্রুপে কেনা বা তৈরি করা যেতে পারে।
Stock > Batch
Stock Ledger Entry
এক গুদাম থেকে অন্য গুদামে সমস্ত উপাদান চলাচলের জন্য একটি ঐক্যবদ্ধ টেবিল। স্টক এন্ট্রি, ডেলিভারি নোট, ক্রয় রসিদ, এবং বিক্রয় চালান (POS) তৈরি করা হলে এই টেবিলটি আপডেট করা হয়।
Stock Reconciliation
একটি স্প্রেডশীট (CSV) ফাইল থেকে একাধিক আইটেমের স্টক আপডেট করুন।
Stock > Stock Reconciliation
Quality Inspection
সরবরাহকারীর কাছ থেকে প্রাপ্তির সময় বা গ্রাহকের কাছে ডেলিভারির সময় একটি আইটেমের নির্দিষ্ট প্যারামিটার রেকর্ড করার জন্য একটি নোট প্রস্তুত করা হয়।
Stock > Quality Inspection
আইটেম একটি শ্রেণীবিভাগ.
Stock > Setup > Item Group
Human Resource Management ————
কোম্পানির চাকরিতে বর্তমান বা অতীতে থাকা ব্যক্তির রেকর্ড।
Human Resources > Employee
Leave Application
ছুটির জন্য অনুমোদিত বা প্রত্যাখ্যাত অনুরোধের রেকর্ড।
Human Resource > Leave Application
Leave Type
এক প্রকার ছুটি (যেমন, অসুস্থ ছুটি, মাতৃত্বকালীন ছুটি, ইত্যাদি)।
Human Resource > Leave and Attendance > Leave Type
একটি টুল যা কর্মচারীদের জন্য একাধিক বেতন স্লিপ তৈরি করতে সাহায্য করে।
Human Resource > Payroll Entry
Salary Slip
একজন কর্মচারীকে দেওয়া মাসিক বেতনের রেকর্ড।
Human Resource > Salary Slip
Salary Structure
একটি টেমপ্লেট যা একজন কর্মচারীর বেতন (উপার্জন), ট্যাক্স এবং অন্যান্য সামাজিক নিরাপত্তা কর্তনের সমস্ত উপাদান চিহ্নিত করে।
Human Resource > Salary and Payroll > Salary Structure
নির্দিষ্ট পরামিতিগুলির উপর ভিত্তি করে একটি নির্দিষ্ট সময়ের মধ্যে একজন কর্মচারীর কর্মক্ষমতার একটি রেকর্ড।
Human Resources > Appraisal
Appraisal Template
একটি টেমপ্লেট যা একজন কর্মচারীর কর্মক্ষমতার বিভিন্ন প্যারামিটার এবং একটি নির্দিষ্ট ভূমিকার জন্য তাদের ওজন রেকর্ড করে।
Human Resources > Employee Setup > Appraisal Template
একটি রেকর্ড যা একটি নির্দিষ্ট দিনে একজন কর্মচারীর উপস্থিতি বা অনুপস্থিতি নির্দেশ করে।
Human Resources > Attendance
Bill of Materials (BOM)
অন্য আইটেম তৈরি করার জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় ক্রিয়াকলাপ এবং তাদের পরিমাণ সহ আইটেমগুলির একটি তালিকা। একটি বিল অফ ম্যাটেরিয়ালস (BOM) কেনার পরিকল্পনা করতে এবং পণ্যের খরচ করতে ব্যবহৃত হয়।
Manufacturing > BOM
একটি জায়গা যেখানে একটি BOM অপারেশন সঞ্চালিত হয়। পণ্যের সরাসরি খরচ গণনা করা দরকারী।
Manufacturing > Workstation
Work Order
নির্দিষ্ট পরিমাণের সাথে একটি নির্দিষ্ট আইটেমের একটি নথির সংকেত উৎপাদন (তৈরি)।
Manufacturing > Work Order
Production Planning Tool
একটি নির্দিষ্ট সময়ের মধ্যে খোলা বিক্রয় আদেশের উপর ভিত্তি করে কাজের আদেশ এবং ক্রয়ের অনুরোধগুলি স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে তৈরি করার জন্য একটি সরঞ্জাম।
Manufacturing > Production Planning Tool
Blog Post
একটি ছোট নিবন্ধ যা IONIC ERP ওয়েবসাইট মডিউল থেকে তৈরি করা ওয়েবসাইটের “ব্লগ” বিভাগে প্রদর্শিত হয়। ব্লগ হল “ওয়েব লগ” এর একটি সংক্ষিপ্ত রূপ।
Website > Blog Post
Web Page
IONIC ERP থেকে উত্পন্ন ওয়েবসাইটে একটি অনন্য URL (ওয়েব ঠিকানা) সহ একটি ওয়েব পৃষ্ঠা।
Website > Web Page
Setup / Customization ———
Custom Field
একটি ফর্ম / টেবিলে একটি ব্যবহারকারী সংজ্ঞায়িত ক্ষেত্র।
Setup > Customize ERPNext > Custom Field
Global Defaults
এটি সেই বিভাগ যেখানে আপনি সিস্টেমের বিভিন্ন পরামিতির জন্য ডিফল্ট মান সেট করেন।
Setup > Data > Global Defaults
Print Heading
একটি শিরোনাম যা শুধুমাত্র মুদ্রণের জন্য একটি লেনদেনে সেট করা যেতে পারে। উদাহরণস্বরূপ, আপনি “প্রস্তাব” বা “প্রো ফর্মা চালান” শিরোনাম সহ একটি উদ্ধৃতি মুদ্রণ করতে চান৷
Setup > Branding and Printing > Print Headings
Terms and Conditions
আপনার চুক্তির শর্তাবলীর পাঠ্য। বিক্রয়/ক্রয় লেনদেনের ক্ষেত্রে কিছু নির্দিষ্ট নিয়ম ও শর্ত থাকতে পারে যার ভিত্তিতে সরবরাহকারী গ্রাহককে পণ্য বা পরিষেবা প্রদান করে। আপনি লেনদেনের নিয়ম ও শর্তাবলী প্রয়োগ করতে পারেন এবং নথিটি প্রিন্ট করার সময় সেগুলি উপস্থিত হবে৷ শর্তাবলী সম্পর্কে জানতে, এখানে ক্লিক করুন
Selling > Setup > Terms and Conditions
Unit of Measure (UOM)
একটি আইটেমের জন্য পরিমাণ কিভাবে পরিমাপ করা হয়। যেমন, কেজি, নং, পেয়ার, প্যাকেট ইত্যাদি।
Stock > Setup > UOM
Setting Up
Setting up an ERP system is like starting your business all over again but in the virtual world. Thankfully it is not as hard as the real business and you get to do a trial too!
To get an ERP implementation right, the implementor needs to set aside time and perform the implementation with dedication. Usually, this is not your post work side project you spare a couple of hours on.
You’ll find the global configuration options here, for module-wise setup, visit the respective modules.
Video Tutorials
1. Basic Setup
- Intoduction to IONIC ERP Course
- User and Permissions
2 Data and Printing
- Data Import Tool
- Printing and Branding
3 Email and SMS
- Email Account
- Email Inbox
4 Files
- File Manager
5 Sales
- Customer and Supplier
- Item and Pricing
- Opening Invoices Creation Tool
- Opening Stock
Company Setup
A company is a legal entity made up of an association of people for carrying on a commercial or industrial enterprise.
In IONIC ERP, the first Company is created when an IONIC ERP account is set up. For each Company, you can set a domain as manufacturing, retail, or services depending on the nature of your business activity.
If you have more than one company, you can add them from:
Home > Accounting > Company
1. How to create a new Company
- Go to the Company list, click on New.
- Enter the name, abbreviation, and default currency for the company.
- Save.
The abbreviation for your company is created by default. For example, FT for Frappe Technologies. The abbreviation helps in differentiating assets of one company from another.
The abbreviation also appears in various accounts, cost centers, taxes templates, warehouse, etc, of your company.
You can also attach a company logo and add a description for the company.
1.1 Multi Company Structure
Let’s assume you run a group of companies, some may be larger companies and some may be smaller that are a part of the larger company(s).
In ERPNext, you can set up multiple companies. The company structure can be parallel, i.e., sister companies, parent-child companies, or a combination of both.
A parent company is a larger organization which consists of one or more child companies. A child company is a subsidiary of a parent company.
The company tree view displays the overall structure of your companies.
Once you build a company tree, ERPNext will validate if the accounts of the child companies match the accounts in the parent company. All the accounts can be combined in a consolidated chart of accounts statement.
1.2 Other Options when Creating a Company
- Domain: The domain of work the company is into. Eg: manufacturing, services, etc. Choose one when setting up your account.
- Is Group: If checked, this becomes a parent company.
- Parent Company: If this is a child company, set the parent from this field i.e., select a group company this company belongs to. If a parent company is set, the chart of accounts for the new company you’re creating will be created based on the selected parent company.
1.3 Chart of Accounts
For each Company, the master for Chart of Accounts is maintained separately. This allows you to maintain separate accounting for each company as per the legal requirements. You can also import chart of accounts using the Charts Of Accounts Importer.
ERPNext has localized Chart of Accounts readily available for some countries. When creating a new Company, you can choose to set up the Chart of Account for it from one of the following options.
- Standard Chart of Accounts
- Based on Existing Company’s Chart of Account
Note that, if the Parent Company is selected when creating a new Company, the Chart of Accounts will be created based on the existing Parent Company.
1.4 Defaults
Within the Company master, you can set many of the default values for masters and accounts. These default accounts will help you in the quick posting of accounting transactions, where the value for the account will be fetched from the Company master if provided. As soon as the company is created, a default Chart Of Accounts and Cost Center is automatically created.
The following defaults can be set for a company:
- Default Letter Head
- Default Holiday List
- Standard Working Hours
- Default Terms and Conditions
- Country
- Tax ID
- Date of Establishment
2. Features
2.1 Monthly Sales Target
Set the monthly sales target number in the company currency, for example, Tk10,000. Total monthly sales will be visible once transactions are made. To know more click here.
2.2 Account Settings
Some of the following accounts will be set by default when you create a new company, others can be created. The accounts can be seen in the Chart of Accounts. These values can be changed later on if needed.
- Default Bank Account
- Default Cash Account
- Default Receivable Account
- Round Off Account
- Round Off Cost Center
- Write Off Account
- Discount Allowed Account
- Discount Received Account
- Exchange Gain / Loss Account
- Unrealized Exchange Gain/Loss Account
- Default Payable Account
- Default Employee Advance Account
- Default Cost of Goods Sold Account
- Default Income Account
- Default Deferred Revenue Account
- Default Deferred Expense Account
- Default Payroll Payable Account
- Default Expense Claim Payable Account
- Default Cost Center
- Credit Limit
- Default Payment Terms Template
2.3 Stock Settings
Perpetual Inventory feature would lead to Stock transactions impacting the company’s books of accounts. Know more here. It is enabled by default.
- Default Inventory Account
- Stock Adjustment Account
- Stock Received But Not Billed
- Expenses Included In Valuation
2.4 Fixed Asset Defaults
For managing fixed assets in a company, the following accounts are needed. Most of them will be created by default. They can be seen in the Chart of Accounts.
- Accumulated Depreciation Account
- Depreciation Expense Account
- Series for Asset Depreciation Entry (Journal Entry)
- Expenses Included In Asset Valuation
- Gain/Loss Account on Asset Disposal
- Asset Depreciation Cost Center
- Capital Work In Progress Account
- Asset Received But Not Billed
If you wish to book your accounting entries against different Finance Books, check the Enable Finance Books box and set a Default Finance Book.
2.5 HRA Settings
Set the default Component for the following Salary Components.
For the Indian user, setting the default value in this section will help in Employee Tax Declaration calculations, especially for HRA exemption amount.
- Basic Component
- HRA Component
- Arrear Component
2.6 Bank Remittance Settings
Only for India.
Using the Payment Order feature (in Accounts), you can give a single document of transfer for multiple bank transfers. Updating value in the following fields will help you generate Bank Remittance in a format which can be accepted and can be also uploaded on the bank’s portal.
Payment order allows a user to combine several payment entries/payment requests into a single document. Bank Remittance allows a user to send that single document to the bank as text format, this text format can be manually uploaded to Kotak bank payments platform.
Client Code and Product Code are codes given by the bank to you. This is required to be added in the text file as per the format specified by Kotak bank.
2.7 Budget
Exception Budget Approver Role: The role selected here can bypass the set budget to approve expenses.
2.8 Company Info
For reference, the following details of your company can be saved in ERPNext:
- Date of Incorporation
- Phone No
- Fax
- Website
- Address
- Registration Details
Note: When setting the address here, it is important to tick the ‘Is Your Company Address’ checkbox.
For India, different addresses can be added with different GSTIN numbers if the company has multiple locations. For example, if your company has offices in Mumbai, Delhi, and Bangalore, you’ll have to add different addresses with different GSTIN numbers.
Registration Details: Here you can save various tax/cheque/bank number for reference.
2.9 Deleting all Company Transactions
You can delete all transactions (Orders, Invoices) of a Company. Use with caution, transactions once deleted cannot be recovered.
- The User has to be a System Manager
- The User has to be the creator of the Company
- Click on the Delete Transactions button under Manage
- Verify your password
- Enter Company name for confirmation
And you’re done. The master data like Item, Account, Employee, BOM etc. will remain as it is.
What is affected?
- Sales/Purchase Orders/Invoices Receipts/Notes will be deleted
- The monthly sales and sales history will be cleared
- All notifications will be cleared
- Lead Addresses to which the Company is linked will be deleted
- All communications linked to the Company will be deleted
- All naming series will be reset
- Stock Entries linked to a Warehouse of this Company will be deleted
Introduced in Version 13.
2.10 Change Parent Company
You can change the Parent Company of an existing company. Go to the Parent Company field, select the Company from the list, and save the form.
Setting Up Taxes
Taxes are compulsory contributions to the state/country revenue.
One of the primary motivators for compulsory use of accounting tools is the calculation of taxes. ERPNext allows you to make configurable tax templates that you can apply to your sales or purchase transactions.
1. Tax Accounts
For Tax Accounts that you want to use in the tax templates, go to:
Home > Accounting > Chart of Accounts
Select an account and click on edit. Select the ‘Account Type’ as ‘Tax’ for the account.
2. Sales Taxes and Charges Template
Sales Taxes and Charges Template fetched taxes for your sales transactions like Sales Order and Sales Invoice. Read Sales Taxes and Charges Template to know more.
3. Purchase Taxes and Charges Template
Purchase Taxes and Charges Template fetched taxes for your sales transactions like Purchase Order and Purchase Invoice. Read Purchase Taxes and Charges Template to know more.
4. Item Tax Template
The tax set in Item Tax Template applies specifically to an Item or an Item Group. It is given preference over the Sales/Purchase Tax Template. Read Item Tax Template to know more.
5. Tax Category
Tax category helps in automatically applying sales/purchase tax templates in your transactions based on the customer/supplier chosen. Read Tax Category to know more.
Setting Company Sales Goal
Defining and achieving sales goals/targets can help your company reach new goals and increase revenue.
- Monthly sales targets can be set for a Company via the Company master under the Sales Settings section. By default, the Company master dashboard displays month-wise past sales stats.
- You can set the Sales Target field to track progress against the graph:
- The target progress is also shown in notifications:
Global Defaults
Default values for documents like Currency, Fiscal Year, etc, can be set from Global Defaults.
The values set here will impact all users and the default values for various fields will be set for them.
To access Global Defaults, go to:
Home > Settings > Global Defaults
Or search from the search bar.
Whenever a new document is created, these values will be set as default.
- Default Company
- Current Fiscal Year
- Country
- Default Distance Unit
- Default Currency
- Hide Currency Symbol
- Disable Rounded Total
- Disable In Words
The Default Distance Unit is used to calculate the total distance in Delivery Trips.
System Settings
System Setting contains settings for system-wide configuration of the account.
You can localize ERPNext to use particular timezone, date, number or currency format, and also set global session expiry via System Settings.
To open System Settings, go to:
Home > Settings > System Settings
1. Sections in System Settings
1.1 General
- Country: You can set the default country here, this will be fetched when creating new addresses. If your company has multiple branches in different countries, choose the head office location.
- Time Zone: Sets time automatically based on the time zone.
- Language: Sets the global language for the ERPNext account. Then language will be changed in all the menus, transactions, masters, etc.
- Disable Document Sharing: Disables share access for all users across the system (except Administrator) to make sure access is only given via permissions. Users will only be able to view who the document is shared with and not share the document itself. Additionally, assigning a document to a user will be blocked if the assignee does have access to the document.
1.2 Date and Number Format
- Date Format: Format in which dates will be displayed. For e.g., or mm/dd/yyyy. This depends on how dates are formatted in your region.
- Time Format: Format in which time will be displayed. You can choose to show (
) or hide seconds by setting the option as (HH:mm
) . - Number Format: Format in which numbers will be formatted. For e.g., 1,000 or 1000.00.
- Float Precision: The number of zeros displayed after the decimal point for quantities etc. The range is 2-9. Default is 3.
- Currency Precision: Number of zeros displayed after the decimal point for currency values. If left blank, it will be based on the Number Format.
- First Day of the Week: This can be used to configure the day for start of the week. This affects dynamic filters for week used in list and report views, date seletion layout and calendar view.
- Rounding Method: Specifies rounding method to be used everywhere. The default rounding method is Banker’s Rounding which rounds 0.5 to nearest even number. “Commercial Rounding” which rounds 0.5 to next number away from zero, e.g. 1.5 becomes 2.0 and -1.5 becomes -2.0 when rounded.
1.3 Backups
In ERPNext you can backup the database as well as your files. Database backups are created automatically while file backups need to be downloaded explicitly.
This field shows the number of backups after which older ones will be deleted. By default, 3 backups are saved over 24 hours. New backups are automatically created every few hours and the newest backup will overwrite the oldest one. For a backup of files, click on the Download Files Backup button in the Download Backups form.
Keeping regular backups of your system is a good practice in case of any mishap and you want to roll back or just for your records.
1.4 Permissions
Using permissions, you can limit user access to document types. The limitation can be based on fields like Company, Territory, Branch, etc. To know more about User Permissions, click here.
If Apply Strict User Permissions checkbox is ticked and User Permission is defined for a DocType for a User, then all the documents where the value of the link is blank, will not be shown to that User.
This is done from:
Home > Users and Permissions > Permissions > User Permissions
For example: If you set User Permissions for Territory and set the value as India. If the checkbox is unticked, all transactions (sales orders, quotations) with India and blank will be shown to the users.
If the Apply Strict User Permissions checkbox is ticked, documents, where Territory is blank, will not be shown to the users.
1.5 Security
- Session Expiry: Number of idle hours after which you’ll be logged out of a session. This helps in better security. For example, if there is no activity for 6 hours, your account will be logged out.
- Session Expiry Mobile: Session expiry when logged in from a mobile phone.
- Document Share Key Expiry (in Days): Number of days after which “document web link” sent via email will be expired.
- Allow only one session per user: If you want to use a single set of credentials for multiple users, tick this checkbox. The number of simultaneous sessions can be changed under User master. Mobile phone sessions are not counted here.
- Allow Login using Mobile Number: By checking the ‘Allow Login using Mobile Number’ checkbox, you can log in to ERPNext using a valid mobile number set in your User account.
- Allow Login using User Name: Allow user login via their username set in the User master.
- Show Full Error and Allow Reporting of Issues to the Developer: This will display the whole error on the screen and allow reporting issues. If you have technical knowledge in this area, you can get a better idea of the error by reading the whole message.
- Remove EXIF tags from uploaded images: Metadata stored in image files in the EXIF file format can be exploited to get sensitive user information. This option lets users remove that data from the images before uploading.
- Allow Older Web View Links (Insecure): The configuration that allows web links with no expiry. Note: Older web links (generated in v13) are considered to be insecure as they had no expiry. It is recommended to keep this configuration unchecked.
1.6 Password
- Force User to Reset Password: Number of days after which a password reset is mandatory. 0 means no limit.
- Enable Password Policy: Enables a password strength checker so that users have to use strong passwords for their login.
- Minimum Password Score: Score for the password strength checker
- 2 is medium
- 3 is strong
- 4 is very strong
The complexity is based on the number of characters, capitalization, special characters, etc.
- Reset Password Link Expiry Duration: This configuration is used to set the duration after which the newly created reset rassword link gets expired. The default expiry for reset password link is 20 minutes. Setting it to “0 Seconds” disables the “Reset Password Link Expiry” functionality.
- Password Reset Link Generation Limit: Using this configuration the limit for number of password reset requests per hour can be set. The default limit is 3. Setting it to 0 will allow unlimited password reset link generation requests.
1.7 Brute Force Security
- Allow Consecutive Login Attempts: Consecutive logins after which you’ll be locked out of the account for a specific period. This helps if an intruder tries to log in to your account.
- Allow Login After Fail: Seconds after which a login attempt will be allowed after consecutive unsuccessful attempts.
1.8 Two Factor Authentication
Settings for Two Factor Authentication can be configured here.
On ticking ‘Enable Two Factor Auth’, the following two options will be seen.
- Bypass Two Factor Auth for users who log in from restricted IP Address: Users who log in from restricted IP addresses will not be asked for Two Factor Authentication. You can restrict IPs from User master under the Restrict IP field.
- Bypass restricted IP Address check If Two Factor Auth Enabled: If checked, all users can log in with Two Factor Authentication regardless if their IP is restricted or not.
- Two Factor Authentication method: Select the authentication method to be used – OTP App, SMS, or email.
- Expiry time of QR Code Image Page: Expiry time for QRCode image if “OTP App” is selected in the method.
- OTP Issuer Name of the One Time Password.
1.9 Email
- Email Footer Address: Organization name, address, and other details can be added here. This will be set as default in all outgoing mails.
- Disable Standard Email Footer: If ticked, the standard email footer will be disabled for outgoing emails.
- Hide footer in auto-email reports: If ticked, footers will be hidden in Auto Email reports.
- Send document web view link in the email: ERPNext has a portal view available from where parties like Customers and Suppliers can sign up and view their order history. When you email a transaction to your party, you can also send a web link to view the same document on the portal of your ERPNext account. This option will enable this functionality.
1.10 Chat
- Enable Chat: This option will enable the in-app chat which can be used to communicate with other employees.
1.10 System Updates
- Disable System Update Notfication: This option disables all version update notfications triggered by the application.
Letter Head
A Letter Head contains your organization’s name, logo, address, etc which appears at the top portion in documents.
Every company has a default Letter Head. These Letter Head values are generally set as Header and Footer in the documents. In ERPNext, you can capture these details in the Letter Head master.
These details will appear in the Print Format of transactions like Sales Order, Sales Invoice, Salary Slip, Purchase Order, etc. In ERPNext, the Letter Head is only for setting up the top part of the document, other content is pre-formatted and can be configured via Print Format and Print Headings.
To access Letter Head, go to:
Home > Settings > Letter Head
1. How to create a Letter Head
- Go to the Letter Head list, click on New.
- Enter a name for the Letter Head. You can create a separate Letter Head for different office locations.
- Choose whether based on image or HTML.
- You can enter details in a Letter Head by using:
- Logo Image: Click on the Attach button to attach an image. Once the image is inserted, HTML for it will be generated automatically.
- Other information (like Address, tax ID, etc.) that you want to put on your Letter Head.
If you want to make this the default Letter Head, click on “Default Letter Head”.
- After entering values in the Header and Footer section, save the Letter Head.
You can set the Letter Head based on HTML to make changes to it:
This is how the Letter Head looks in a document’s print.
Note that Footer will be visible only when the document’s print is seen in the PDF. Footer will not be visible in the HTML based print preview.
Buying Settings
Buying Settings is where you can define properties which will be applied in the Buying module’s transactions. You can find Buying Settings at:
Home > Buying > Settings > Buying Settings
Let us look at the various options that can be configured:
1. Supplier
1.1 Supplier Naming By
When a Supplier is saved, system generates a unique identity or name for that Supplier which can be used to refer the Supplier in various Buying transactions.
If not configured otherwise, IONIC ERP uses the Supplier’s Name as the unique name. If you want to identify Suppliers using names like SUPP-00001, SUPP-00002, or such other patterned series, select the value of Supplier Naming By as “Naming Series”.
You can define or select the Naming Series pattern from: Settings > Data > Naming Series
Read Naming Series to know more about defining a Naming Series.
1.2 Default Supplier Group
Configure what should be the default value of Supplier Group when creating a new Supplier. For example, if most of your suppliers supply you hardware, you can set the default as ‘Hardware’.
2. Purchasing
2.1 Default Buying Price List
Configure what should be the default Price List when creating a new Buying transaction, the default is set as ‘Standard Buying’. Item prices will be fetched from this Price List. You can modify the ‘Price List’ by using the arrow at the right-end of the field to change the currency and country.
2.2 Purchase Order Required
If this option is configured “Yes”, IONIC ERP will prevent you from creating a Purchase Invoice or a Purchase Receipt directly without creating a Purchase Order first. If retail transactions are involved where the order happens offline, then Purchase Orders can be skipped. If you’re accepting sample Items, you can directly create a Purchase Receipt to receive the Items to your Warehouse.
This configuration can be overridden for a particular supplier by enabling the “Allow Purchase Invoice Creation Without Purchase Order” checkbox in supplier master
2.3 Purchase Receipt Required
If this option is configured “Yes”, IONIC ERP will prevent you from creating a Purchase Invoice without creating a Purchase Receipt first. In case the Item being transacted is a service, it’ll not require a receipt, you can directly create an Invoice.
This configuration can be overridden for a particular supplier by enabling the “Allow Purchase Invoice Creation Without Purchase Receipt” checkbox in the supplier master
2.4 Maintain Same Rate Throughout Purchase Cycle
If this is enabled, IONIC ERP will validate whether an Item’s price is changing in a Purchase Invoice or Purchase Receipt created from a Purchase Order, i.e. it will help you maintain the same rate throughout the purchase cycle.
You can configure the action that system should take if the same rate is not maintained in the “Action If Same Rate is Not Maintained” field:
- Stop: ERPNext will stop you from changing the price by throwing a validation error.
- Warn: The system will let you save the transaction but warn you with a message if the rate is changed.
Note: This field will only be visible if Maintain Same Rate Throughout Purchase Cycle is enabled.
2.5 Set Landed Cost Based on Purchase Invoice Rate
If the purchase receipt rate and purchase invoice rate are not same and users wants to set the landed cost as per the purchase invoice then this feature will be useful.
Use Case
- Created Purchase Receipt for item A with rate as 100
- System has booked Stock In Hand with 100 rate
- After 2 days, user has created purchase invoice against the above purchase receipt
- After 2 days because of change in exchange rate the rate in the invoice changed to 150
- Now purchase receipt has rate 100 where as Purchase invoice has rate 150
- If you want to adjust the Stock In Hand with Purchase invoice Rate (150) then this feature will be helpful
3. Allow Item to be added multiple times in a transaction
When this checkbox is unchecked, an item cannot be added multiple times in the same Purchase Order. However, you can still explicitly change the quantity. This is a validation checkbox for preventing accidental purchase of the same item. This can be checked for specific use cases where there are multiple sources for the same material, for example in manufacturing.
Supplier Group
Supplier Group is an aggregation of suppliers that are similar in some way.
A supplier may be distinguished from a contractor or subcontractor, who commonly adds specialized input to deliverables. A supplier is also known as a vendor. There are different types of suppliers based on the goods and products they supply.
IONIC ERP allows you to create your own categories of suppliers. These categories are known as Supplier Groups. For example, if your suppliers are mainly pharmaceutical companies and FMCG distributors, you can create a new Supplier Groups for them and name the groups accordingly.
To access Supplier Group, go to:
Home Buying > Supplier > Supplier Group
1. Prerequisites
Before creating and using a Supplier Group, it is advised that you create the following first:
- Supplier
2. How to create a Supplier Group
- Go to the Supplier Group list, click on New.
- Type a name for your new Supplier Category.
- You can set a Parent Supplier Group for this Supplier Group.
- Ticking the Is Group checkbox will make it a Parent Supplier Group.
- You can also assign a default Payment Terms Template to the Supplier Group. Useful in a case where all your hardware suppliers take half payment on sales order and half post shipment.
- Save.
You can classify your suppliers from a range of choices available in IONIC ERP. Choose from a set of given options like Distributor, Electrical, Hardware, Local, Pharmaceutical, Raw Material, Services etc. Classifying your supplier into different types facilitates accounting and payments.
3. Supplier Group Tree
You can also construct Supplier Group in the form of a tree hierarchy, similar to Chart of Accounts.
To view the Tree structure, click on Tree from the sidebar. To go back to the list view, simply select: Menu > View List.
With the new User Permissions in place, you can now apply hierarchy based permissions. That is, if a User is permitted to view parent node of Supplier Group, he/she automatically qualifies to view the child nodes of that parent node.
For example, in the above image, let’s say that user permission is applied for a User to view ‘Distributor’ document. Then the user also gets permitted to view its child nodes ‘Book Distributor’, ‘Electronic Distributor’, etc.
CRM Settings
Introduced in Version 14.
CRM Settings is where you can define properties, configuration, and validation which will be applied to the masters and involved in the pre-sales.
To access CRM Settings, go to:
Home > CRM > Settings > CRM Settings
1. Allow Lead Duplication based on Emails
If this is enabled, the system will allow users to create multiple leads with the same email address at the same time.
2. Create Event on Next Contact Date
The system will auto-create an event doc for the next contact date of the Lead.
3. Auto Creation of Contact
The system will automatically create a Contact doc on the creation of a Lead. Which will link to that newly created lead.
1. Close Replied Opportunity After Days
If there are many Opportunities having a status other than Open, then they will be auto-closed after the no. of days mentioned in this field.
2. Create Event on Next Contact Date
The system will auto-create an event doc for the next contact date of the Opportunity.
1. Default Quotation Validity Days
Quotations to the customer are valid only for certain days. In the Quotation, you can update Valid Till Date manually. By default, the Valid Till date is auto-set as 30 days from the Quotation’s Posting Date. You can change the no. of days in this field as per your business case.
Other Settings
1. Campaign Naming By
Just like for Customer, you can also configure the naming methodology for the Campaign master. By default, a campaign will be saved with Campaign Name.
2. Contract Naming By
Just like for Campaign, you can also configure the naming methodology for the Contract master. By default, a campaign will be saved with Party Name.
3. Carry Forward Communication and Comments
If this is enabled, When converting a Lead into Opportunity and Opportunity to Quotation, the system will auto copy the emails and comments from the source document.
Lead Source
A Lead Source is a source from which the leads are generated.
It is important to track the source from which you are getting the leads. This will help in measuring the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and allocate the budgets accordingly.
To access the Lead Source list, go to:
Home > Selling > Settings > Lead Source
1. How to Create a Lead Source
- Go to the Lead Source list, click on New.
- Enter ‘Source Name’.
- Enter ‘Details’.
Typical lead sources are contact forms on your website, marketing campaigns, events, references, ads on social media etc.
Opportunity Type
Opportunity Type indicates the broad category of opportunity like Sales, Support, Maintenance, Partnership etc.
Adding the appropriate opportunity type helps in assigning the opportunity to the right sales executive.
To access the Opportunity Type, go to:
Home > CRM > Settings > Opportunity Type
1. How to Create an Opportunity Type
- Go to the Opportunity list and click on New.
- Enter ‘Name’.
- Enter ‘Description’
Sales Stage
A Sales Stage indicates the level at which an opportunity is in the sales cycle.
Generally high values deals go through a number of stages before the sale is concluded. You will have to nurture high value opportunities over a period of time before you can successfully close a sale.
You can create the sales stages and in each opportunity you can select the stage it is in and update it as you nurture the opportunity. This helps you getting an overview of how many opportunities you have in each stage.
To access Sales Stage, go to:
Home > CRM > Settings > Sales Stage
1. How to Create a Sales Stage
- Go to the Sales Stage and click on New.
- Enter the Stage Name.
Sales Person
Sales Person is a person who sells your products/services.
Sales Persons are created in hierarchical manner in IONIC ERP. You can create sales persons and add other sales persons under the main sales persons.
To access the Sales Person list, go to:
Home > Selling > Selling > Sales Person
It can also be accessed from: Home > CRM > Settings > Sales Person
1. How to Create a Sales Person
- Go to the Sales Person list and clic on New.
- Enter the Sales Person Name.
- Select the Employee for the Sales Person.
- Tick ‘Group Node’ checkbox, if you would like to add more Sales Person under this Sales Person.
- Click on ‘Create New’.
2. Features
2.1 Sales Person in Transactions
You can use Sales Person sales transactions like Sales Order, Delivery Note and Sales Invoice. Read Sales Persons in Sales Transactions for more details.
2.2 Assign Sales Targets to Sales Person
You can assign sales target for sales person and track the progress. Read Sales Person Target Allocation for more details.
Customer Group
Customer Group is an aggregation of customers that are similar in some way.
Customer groups allow you to organize your customers. Typically Customers are grouped by market segment based on the domain in which a business operates. Customer Groups are created in hierarchical manner in IONIC ERP. You can create a main customer group and add sub customer groups under it.
You can define a price a list which will be automatically applied to all customers belonging to that group. You can also get trend analysis for each group. Individual, Commercial and Government customer groups are created by default. You can add your own customer groups based on your requirement like retail, wholesale etc.
1. How to Create a Customer Group
- Go to CRM > Settings > Customer Group.
- Click on a parent customer group like ‘All Customer Groups’.
- Click on ‘Add Child’.
- Enter ‘Customer Group Name’.
- Tick ‘Group Node’ if you would like to add sub customer groups under this.
- Click on ‘Create New’.
Tip: If you think all this is too much effort, you can leave it at “Default Customer Group”. But all this effort, will pay off when you start getting reports. An example of a sample report is given below:
2. Features
2.1 Assign Credit Limit, Default Price List, and Default Payment Terms Template
You can assign the credit limit, Price List, and Payment Terms and they will be automatically applied when a customer belonging to the customer group is selected in sales transactions like Sales Order and Sales Invoice.
2.2 Default Receivable Account
You need not create a separate accounting ledger for each customer in IONIC ERP. Read Common Receivable Account for more details.
If you need a separate receivable account for a customer, you can add the same in ‘Default Receivable Account’ section.
Email Group
An Email Group is a list of subscriber email IDs to which you send newsletters.
You can manage subscribers by grouping them into different groups.
You can group existing and potential customers into different groups based on their territory or products they are interested in. You can group the email ID of all employees so that you can share information with them.
To access the Email Group list, go to:
Home > Settings > Email > Email Group
1. How to Create an Email Group
- Go to the Email Group list and click on New.
- Enter ‘Title’.
- Click on ‘Save’
- Click on Action > Add Subscribers.
- Enter Email Addresses.
- Click on ‘Add’
2. Features
2.1 Import Email IDs from Transactions
You can import email IDs from existing transactions.
Click on Action > Import Subscribers and select a transaction like Lead. Click on Import and all the email IDs mentioned in the email IDs will be imported.
2.2 Email Templates
You can specify the confirmation email and welcome email template for the email group. A confirmation email will be sent to confirm a person’s subscription to your newsletter. The welcome email is sent when the person confirms their subscription to your email newsletter.
Confirmation Email Template: This email template is used to replace the default template sent for newsletter subscription. The confirmation email generated via this template is sent when someone subscribes to the Email Group Website. Welcome Email Template: Whenever a subscriber is added to an email group after confirmation, the email template set here will be sent to them.
A contract is a legally binding agreement between a Supplier and a Customer over the sale or products or services.
A contract is legally enforceable because it meets the requirements and approval of the law. An agreement typically involves the exchange of goods, services, money, or promises of any of those.
To access the Contract list, go to:
Home > Sales Pipeline > Contract
1. How to Create a Contract
- Go to the Contract list and click on New.
- Choose the Customer.
- Enter the Contract Terms. A template can also be created for easily fetching the terms.
- Save.
Party User: The employee from your Company who is in contact with the Customer.
1.1 Statuses
- Unsigned: The Contract has not yet been signed by the Customer.
- Active: The Contract has been signed and is active under the Contract Period.
- Inactive: The Contract is out of the Contract Period and not valid anymore.
2. Features
2.1 Contract Period
The Start and End date within which the Contract is valid.
2.2 Signee Details
This section will appear when the ‘Signed’ checkbox is ticked to indicate that the Customer has signed and accepted the Contract.
- Signee: Enter the name of the person that has signed the Contract.
- Signed On: The date on which the Contract was signed.
2.3 Contract Details
Enter the terms of the Contract in the Contract Terms field. You can create a Contract Template and the template can be selected to fetch the Contract Terms.
2.4 Fulfilment Details
If the Contract requires some fulfilment from the Supplier’s (your) end, their details can be recorded in the Fulfilment Terms table.
- Requirement: Enter a requirement that needs to be fulfiled. For example, ‘installation’.
- Notes: Any notes about the requirement can be entered here.
2.5 Contract Template
A contract template is a standardized outline of a contract without the specifics involved. You can create a new template by going to:
Home > CRM > Contract Template
You can create templates by using Jinja. Eg:
The parties enter into this contract on {{ start_date }}.
When you create a new contract using this template, the {{ start_date }}
is replaced by the date entered into the field of the same name.
2.6 References
If the Contract can be linked to a transaction in ERPNext. Select the transaction type and the specific transaction. The documents that can be linked are:
- Quotation
- Project
- Sales Order
- Purchase Order
- Sales Invoice
- Purchase Invoice
Appointment Booking Settings
You can find all settings related to booking appointments in Appointment Booking Settings.
1. Enable Appointment scheduling
This checkbox will enable appointment scheduling and also enable the /book_appointment
Route for website users (your customers). Your customers will see a portal view. To know more, visit the Appointment Page
2. Agent Details
In this section, you can add details about agents, such as their working hours and holidays.
2.1 Availability of Slots
Here you can set the timing in which your agents are available to attend an appointment. This is set per day of the week. Each row represents a continuous block of time, you can have multiple entries for each day of the week.
For example if your agents work Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm but with a lunch break at 1.30 for half and hour. You will need to create two entries for each day. One from 9am to 1.30pm and another from 2pm to 5pm.
2.2 Agents
This is the list of agents which will be autoassigned to appointments. The number of appointments which can exist in one timeslot also depends upon the number employees in this list.
2.3 Holiday list
You can link a (holiday list)[] here to apply to the appointment schedule. If the day is a holiday, scheduling an appointment on that day won’t be allowed.
3. Appointment Details
This section contains details about the appointment themselves.
3.1 Appointment Duration in minutes
The duration of appointment in minutes. This is used to calculate appointment timeslots for the web portal. Changing this does not affect the appointments created before the change.
3.2 Notify Via Email
Enabling this checkbox will send an email to the participants of the appointments i.e. your employee and the customer on the day of the appointment. Changing this checkbox does not affect the appointments created before the change.
3.3 Number of days appointment can be books in advance
This is the number of days the appointment can be booked in advance. If the Holiday List provided above ends before the date calculated using this number, appointment scheduling will be stopped at the end of holiday list end.
4. Success settings
4.1 Success Redirect URL
This is the URL where the user will be redirected on creation of successful appointment creation via Web Portal. This redirect will not occur when creating appointments from within Desk UI. Leave blank for home. This is relative to site URL, for example “about” will redirect to “”
Human Resource Setup
The HR module has a setup process where you create the masters for all the major activities.
Organization Setup
To setup your Employee master you must first create:
- Employment Type (like Permanent, Temp, Contractor, Intern etc).
- Branch (if there are multiple offices).
- Department (if any, like Accounting, Sales etc).
- Designation (CEO, Sales Manager etc).
- Grade (A, B, C etc, usually based on seniority).
Check Setup for more details on each of masters, global HR Settings and other configurations.
Leave Setup
To setup Leaves, create:
- Leave Type (like Sick Leave, Travel Leave etc)
- Holiday List (list of annual holidays for the year – these days will not be considered in Leave Applications)
- Leave Policy to effectively track and manage Employee leaves across the company
You can read Leaves for a detailed description about how you can configure and manage Leaves.
Payroll (Salary) Setup
In Frappe HR, salaries have two types of components, earnings (basic salary, expenses paid by the company, like telephone bill, travel allowance etc) and deductions (amounts deducted for taxes, social security etc). You can create and assign salary structures to employees and Frappe HR simplifies most of the payroll processing for you.
Read more about setting up your payroll and how Frappe HR simplifies payroll processing in Salary and Payroll.
If you intend to configure Frappe HR to calculate Income Tax deductions automatically based on multiple Salary Slabs, Setting Up Income Tax Deduction will help you understand how you can set this up properly.
It is important for enterprises to plan their manpower recruitment for future periods. Frappe HR allows you to define recruitment plans at group company level. Subsidiary companies can create and publish job openings based on the group company plans, making it easy to manage your hiring process. To understand how you can set this up, check Staffing Plan
If you have an active Staffing Plan, every time you create a new Job Opening Frappe HR will validate the open positions and current employment count with the Staffing Plan.
HR Settings
HR Settings allow global settings for HR-related documents.
To access HR Settings, go to: > Home > Human Resources > Settings > HR Settings
There are various settings available in the HR Settings.
1. Employee Settings
1.1. Retirement Age:
You can enter the retirement age (in years) for your employees.
1.2 Employee Records to be created by
The naming for employee documents is based on the value selected in this field.
- Naming Series: The employee documents created will be named using the naming series selected in the ‘Series’ field.
- Employee Number: The Employee Number field becomes visible in selecting this field, and the naming of the employee document happens based on this field.
- Full Name: The employee document is named using the full name of the employee.
1.3 Stop Birthday Reminders
An email is sent to all the employees of the company when an employee has a birthday. To stop this email from being sent you can check this option.
1.4 Expense Approver Mandatory In Expense Claim
In Expense Claim Document the ‘Expense Approver’ field is set to mandatory on checking this option.
> Payroll Settings will be part of HR Settings till version 12. In version 13, Payroll Settings will be part of the new module, Payroll.
2. Payroll Settings
2.1 Calculate Payroll Working Days Based On
Working Days in Salary Slip can be calculated based on Leave Application or Attendance records. You can select the option based on what you want to calculate working days.
2.2 Max working hours against Timesheet
For salary slips based on the timesheet, you can set the maximum allowed hours against a single timesheet. Set this value to zero to disable this validation.
2.3 Include holidays in Total no. of Working Days
If checked, the total number of working days will include holidays, and this will reduce the value of salary per day.
2.4 Disable Rounded Total
You can enable this to disable rounding off the total amount in salary slips.
2.5 Daily Wages Fraction for Half Day
Based on this fraction, the salary for Half Day will be calculated. For example, if the value is set as 0.75, the three-fourth salary will be given for half-day attendance.
2.6 Email Salary Slip to Employee
An email with the salary slip is sent to the respective employee’s preferred email address on submission of the salary slip.
2.7 Encrypt Salary Slips in Emails
The salary slip PDF sent to the employee is encrypted using the mentioned Password Policy.
2.8 Password Policy
This field becomes visible and mandatory on checking the above option for encrypting the salary slip in email.
Here is an example of how to set a Password Policy for the salary slip PDF.
This will generate a password like SAL-Jane-1972
3. Leave Settings
3.1 Leave Approval Notification Template
On creating or updating a leave application with a leave approver, an email is sent to this leave approver notifying about the new leave application. The email template used for this purpose can be selected here.
3.2 Leave Status Notification Template
On Submission/Cancellation of a leave application, the employee receives an email with the updated status of their leave application. The email template used for this purpose can be selected here.
3.3 Leave Approver Mandatory In Leave Application
In Leave Application document the ‘Leave Approver’ field is set to mandatory on checking this option.
3.4 Show Leaves Of All Department Members In Calendar
The approved leaves of all employees in the same department are shown in the calendar view on checking this option.
3.5 Auto Leave Encashment
If checked, the system generates a draft Leave Encashment record on the expiry of the leave allocation for all encashable Leave Types.
3.6 Restrict Backdated Leave Application
If checked, the system will not allow making a backdated leave application.
> Introduced in version 13
3.7 Automatic Allocate Leaves Based On Leave Policy
If checked, leaves will be granted to the employees automatically based on the Effective From date as per the present Leave Policy Assignment.
4. Hiring Settings
4.1 Check Vacancies On Job Offer Creation
On the creation of a job offer for a particular position, vacancies present in the staffing plan for that position are checked to warn the user from over hiring for a particular position.
Daily Work Summary Group
In order to facilitate daily reporting of employees, you can configure IONIC ERP HR to request employees to send their work summaries through email. Daily Work Summary is an automated way of getting the daily work reporting of employees in an organization.
To configure a new Daily Work Summary Group, go to:
> Human Resources > Settings > Daily Work Summary Group
You can set multiple groups with different set of ‘Users’ from your user list with different ‘Send Emails At’ time and with separate ‘Holiday List’ for each.
You can also choose to customize the ‘Message’ you send to users.
1. Prerequisites
Before creating a Daily Work Summary Group, it is necessary you create the following:
- Email Account
2. How to create a Daily Work Summary Group
- Go to: Daily Work Summary Group > New.
- Enter the name of the Daily Work Summary Group.
- Enter the User’s names in the ‘Users’ table.
- Set the ‘Send Emails At’ time. This is the time the Daily Work Summary email will be sent.
- Select Holiday List (optional). On these days, the Daily Work Summary email won’t be sent.
- In the Reminder section, enter the mail Subject and type in the Message.
- Save.
>1. If no Holiday List is selected, then the email will be sent every day. >2. Name of the “Daily Work Summary Group” will be sent as the title for daily summary email. >3. Mail will not be sent to the users of a disabled Daily Work Summary Group.
Selling Settings
Selling Settings is where you can define properties and validations which will be applied to the masters and transactions involved in the sales cycle.
To access Selling Settings, go to:
Home > Selling > Settings > Selling Settings
Customer Defaults
1. Customer Naming By
When a customer is saved, a unique ID is generated for that Customer.
By default, Customer ID is generated based on Customer Name. If you wish to save Customer using a naming series, in the field Customer Naming Series, set value as “Naming Series”. Example of Customer ID’s saved in Naming Series – “CUST00001, CUST00002, CUST00003…” and so on.
You can set Naming Series for Customers from:
Setup > Data > Naming Series
2. Default Customer Group
Select a default Customer Group which will be auto-updated when creating a new Customer.
Quotations can be created for the Customers as well as for the Leads. When converting a Quotation into a Sales Order, which is created for a Lead, the system attempts to convert that Lead into a Customer. While creating Customer in the backend, the value for Customer Group is picked from Selling Settings. If no default values are found for Customer Group, then you will receive a validation message asking for the Customer Group. You can also manually convert a Lead into a Customer.
3. Default Territory
Select a default Territory which will be auto-updated when creating a new Customer.
Quotations can be created for the Customers as well as for the Leads. When converting a Quotation into a Sales Order, which is created for a Lead, the system attempts to convert that Lead into a Customer. While creating Customer in the backend, the value for Territory is picked from Selling Settings. If no default values are found for Territory, then you will receive a validation message asking for the Territory. You can also manually convert a Lead into a Customer.
CRM Settings
1. Campaign Naming By
Just like for Customer, you can also configure the naming methodology for the Campaign master. By default, a campaign will be saved with Campaign Name.
2. Default Quotation Validity Days
Quotations to the customer are valid only for certain days. In the Quotation, you can update Valid Till Date manually. By default, the Valid Till date is auto-set as 30 days from the Quotation’s Posting Date. You can change the no. of days in this field as per your business case.
3. Close Opportunity After Days
If there are many Opportunities having a status other than Open, then they will be auto-closed after the no. of days mentioned in this field.
Item Price Settings
1. Default Price List
Price List set in this field will be auto-updated in the Price List field of sales transactions like Quotation, Sales Order, Delivery Note, and Sales Invoice.
2. Maintain Same Rate Throughout Sales Cycle
If this is enabled, IONIC ERP will validate whether an Item’s price is changing in a Delivery Note or Sales Invoice created from a Sales Order, i.e. it will help you maintain the same rate throughout the sales cycle.
3. Action if Same Rate is Not Maintained Throughout Sales Cycle
You can configure the action that system should take if the same rate is not maintained in the “Action If Same Rate is Not Maintained Throughout Sales Cycle” field:
- Stop: IONIC ERP will stop you from changing the price by throwing a validation error.
- Warn: The system will let you save the transaction but warn you with a message if the rate is changed.
Note: This field will only be visible if Maintain Same Rate Throughout Sales Cycle is enabled.
4. Role Allowed to Override Stop Action
Allow users to add role to override “Stop” action for Maintain Same Rate Throughout Sales Cycle, if Action if Same Rate is Not Maintained was set to Stop.
Note: This field will only be visible if ‘Maintain Same Rate Throughout Sales Cycle’ is enabled and ‘Action if Same Rate is Not Maintained’ is set to Stop.
5. Allow User to Edit Price List Rate in Transactions
The item table in sale transactions has a field called Price List Rate. This field is non-editable by default in all the sales transactions. This is to ensure that the price of an item is fetched from Item Price record and the user is not able to edit it.
If you need the Item Price fetched from Price List of an item to be editable, you should uncheck this field.
6. Validate Selling Price for Item Against Purchase Rate or Valuation Rate
When making sales, it’s important to know that you’re not making losses. Enabling this validation will validate the item’s Selling Price with its valuation/buying price. If an item’s selling price is found to be less than it’s buying price, then you will get a prompt when this checkbox is ticked.
7. Calculate Product Bundle Price based on Child Items’ Rates
Enabling this will do the following:
- Make the Rate column of all Packed/Bundle Items tables editable.
- Calculate the prices of all Product Bundles in the Items table, based on the prices of its Child Items, specified in the Packed/Bundle Items table.
Note: If this is enabled, updating the rate of the Product Bundle in the Items table will not change its price. It will get reset to the price based on its Child Items on saving the doc.
Transaction Settings
1. Is Sales Order Required for Sales Invoice & Delivery Note Creation?
If you wish to make Sales Order creation mandatory before the creation of a Sales Invoice or a Delivery Note, then you should set the ‘Sales Order Required’ field as ‘Yes’. By default, this will be ‘No’.
This configuration can be overridden for a particular customer by enabling the “Allow Sales Invoice Creation Without Sales Order” checkbox in customer master.
2. Is Delivery Note Required for Sales Invoice Creation?
To make Delivery Note creation as mandatory before Sales Invoice creation, you should set this field as ‘Yes’. By default, this will be ‘No’.
This configuration can be overridden for a particular customer by enabling the “Allow Sales Invoice Creation Without Delivery Note” checkbox in customer master
3. Sales Update Frequency
The frequency at which project progress and company transaction details will be updated. By default it is for Each Transaction, you can also set it to Daily or Monthly if you have a lot of transactions every day.
4. Allow Item to be Added Multiple Times in a Transaction
This is a validation check which prevents an item from being added multiple times in the same transaction when unchecked. In some cases, this might be an explicit need if so check this box.
5. Allow Multiple Sales Orders Against a Customer’s Purchase Order
When creating a Sales Order, you can update the Purchase Order ID and Date received from the Customer. You can create only one Sales Order against the Customer’s PO No. and Date. However, if you wish to allow the creation of multiple Sales Orders against the same PO No. of the Customer, tick the checkbox “Allow multiple Sales Orders against a Customer’s Purchase Order”.
6. Hide Customer’s Tax ID from Sales Transactions
As per the statutory requirement, most of the Customers have unique Tax ID assigned to them. They also need to have this tax ID fetched in the selling transactions. However, if you don’t wish to use this functionality, you can disable by checking this property.
7. Calculate Product Bundle Price Based on Child Items’ Rates
On enabling Calculate Product Bundle Price based on Child Items’ Rates:
The Rate column of Packed Items will be made editable. The rate and price of Product Bundles in the Items table will be updated based on the rates of its child Items.
Note: If the Rate of the Product Bundle is changed now, it will get reset to the sum based on the rates of its child items on saving the doc.
Product Bundle
A Product Bundle is a master where you can list existing items which are bundled together and sold as a set (or bundle).
For instance, when you sell a smartphone, you need to ensure that the charger, cable, and sim ejector pin are delivered with it and stock levels of these items get affected. To address this scenario, you can create a Product Bundle for the main item, i.e. smartphone. Then list deliverable items i.e. smartphone + charger + cable + sim ejector pin as so-called “Child Items”.
A Product Bundle can be seen as a “Bill-of-Materials” on the Sales side.
Following are the steps to set up a Product Bundle and using it in sales transactions.
To access product bundle, go to:
Home > Selling > Items and Pricing > Product Bundle
1. Prerequisites
Before creating and using a Product Bundle, it is advised that you create the following first:
- Item
2. How to create a Product Bundle
- Go to the Product Bundle list, click on New.
- Select Parent Item, create one if not already created. Make sure Maintain Stock in unchecked when creating a Parent Item. eg: Dinner Set.
- Enter a price for the parent item, this will be fetched when making a transaction.
- You can enter a description for internal use.
- Enter the products to be bundled in the Items table and enter their quantities.
- Save.
2.1 Selecting Parent Item
In Product Bundle master, there are two sections. The “Parent Item” and a List of items to be shipped (Child Items).
The “Parent Item” should be seen more like a vessel or virtual item and not a physical product. The “Parent Item” must be a non-stock item. To create a non-stock item you have to unmark “Maintain Stock” in the Item Form. This is a non-stock item because there is no stock maintained for it but only for the “Child Items”. If you want to maintain stock for the Parent Item, then you must create a regular Bill of Material (BOM) and package them using Stock Entry Transactions.
2.2 Selecting Child Items
In the Items table, you will list all the child items for which we maintain stock and is delivered to customer. Remember: The “Parent Item” is just virtual, so your main product (a smartphone in our example here) also has to be listed on the List of Child (or Package) Items.
3. Features
3.1 Product Bundle in the Sales Transactions
When making Sales transactions (Sales Invoice, Sales Order, Delivery Note) the Parent Item will be selected in the main item table.
On selection of a Parent Item in the main item table, its child items will be fetched in Packing List table of the transaction. If child item is the serialized item, you will be able to specify its Serial No. in packing List table itself. On submission of the transaction, the system will reduce the stock level of child items from warehouse specified in Packing List table.
This was discovered when a customer dealing into nutrition products asked for a feature to manage offers like “Buy One Get One Free”. To manage the same, he created a non-stock item which was used as Parent Item. In description of item, he entered offer details with the item’s image displaying the offer. The sellable product was selected in Package Item where qty was two. Hence every time they sold one qty of Parent item under this offer, the system deducted two quantities of product from Warehouse.
Sales Person Target Allocation
It is the assignment of Sales Persons to an item or a territory.
Along with the management of Sales Persons, IONIC ERP also allows you to assign target Sales Persons based on Item Group and Territory. Based on target allocated and actual sales booked by Sales Person, you will get the Target Variance Report for the Sales Person.
1. Sales Person – Target Allocation
1.1 Open Sales Person’s Master
To allocate target, you need to open specific Sales Person master.
Selling > Sales Partners and Territory > Sales Person > Edit
1.2 Allocate Target
In the Sales Person master, you will find a table called Sales Person Targets.
In this table, you should select Item Group, Fiscal Year, Territory, Target Qty, Target Amount, and Target Distribution.
You can give target in amount or quantity, or both. Item Group or Territory can also be left blank. In this case, the system will calculate target based on All Item Groups or All the Territories respectively.
Target Distribution
You can spread the target across months. For this create a new monthly distribution, you can see the option when you click on the Target Distribution field in the Targets table. For example, a target of selling 1,000 units for first quarter of the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 as shown in the preceding screenshot.
1.3 Report – Sales Person Target Variance
To check this report, go to:
Selling > Other Reports > Sales Person Target Variance
This report will provide you variance between target and actual performance of Sales Person. This report is based on Sales Order report.
Here, as per the report, allocated target to Sales Person was roughly 83 in quantity for a month, but he has achieved a target of 80 when the report is being viewed, hence the variance report is shown accordingly.
Note: For the report to reflect correct details, you need to link a Sales Person to a Sales Order, it’s present in the Sales Team section of Sales Order. The Sales Order also has to be in the submitted stage.
2. Sales Person – Territorywise Target Allocation
For allocating Territory-wise targets to Sales Person, select the specific Sales Person in the Territory master. This Sales Person is entered just for the reference. Sales Person details are not updated in the variance report of Territorywise Target Allocation.
2.1 Go to Territory master
Selling > Settings > Territory > (Edit specific Territory)
In the selected Territory, you will find a field to select Territory Manager. This field is linked to “Sales Person” master.
2.2 Allocating Target
Target Allocation in the Territory master is similar to Sales Person master. You can follow the same steps given in section 1.2 Allocate Item Groupwise Target to specify target in the Territory master also.
2.3 Report – Territory Target Variance Item Groupwise
This report will provide you variance between target and actual performance of Sales in particular territory. This report is based on Sales Order report. Though Sales Person is defined in the Territory master, its details are not pulled in the report.
Note that the Territory of the Customer/Customers must be set accordingly for this report to work. For example, in the following screenshot, the target was approx eight units and five was achieved, hence the variance is three.
3. Target Distribution
To create a new Monthly Distribution, go to: Accounting > Monthly Distribution
Target Distribution document allows you to divide allocated targets across multiple months. If your products and services are seasonal, you can distribute the sales target accordingly. For example, if you are into umbrella business, then target allocated in the monsoon season will be higher than in other months.
You can link Monthly Distribution while allocating targets in Sales Person and in Territory master.
Sales Taxes and Charges Template
Sales Taxes and Charges may be applied to any item you sell.
The templates created from this form can be used in Sales Orders and Sales Invoices.
For Tax Accounts that you want to use in the tax templates, you must set the Account Type field as ‘Tax’ for that particular account. The way IONIC ERP sets up taxes is via templates. Other types of charges that may apply to your invoices (like shipping, insurance etc.) can also be configured as taxes.
To know about setting up taxes visit this page.
To access Sales Taxes and Charges Template, go to:
Home > Selling > Settings > Sales Taxes and Charges Template
To know about setting up taxes visit this page
1. How to add Sales Taxes/Charges via a template
Before creating a new template, note that templates are already created for many of the commonly used taxes.
- Go to the Sales Taxes and Charges Template list, click on New.
- Enter a title name for the Tax.
- Under type, set on what the tax will be calculated and the tax rate. There are five options under type for which tax will be calculated.
- Actual: You can directly enter the amount for the expense.
- On Net Total: On the net total of all the items.
- On Previous Row Amount: This is for compounding the charges. For example, cess charges over the amount to which tax was already applied in the previous row.
- On Previous Row Total: Same as above but applied on the total bill and not just the amount of an item.
- On Item Quantity: Tax will be calculated as Tax Rate * Item Quantity. For example, if Tax Rate is 2% and number of Items is 1, then Tax Rate will be 4, if number of Items are 5, Tax Rate will be 10, and so on.
- Select an account head which has pre set tax rates or create your own.
- Selecting default will apply this template by default for new Sales transactions.
- Save.
Is Inter State: For India. On selection of a customer in Sales Invoice or Delivery Note, if the GST codes of place of supply and customer shipping address don’t match, the template with ‘Is Inter State’ ticked will be set as the taxes template. If the place of supply and shipping address are the same, the default taxes template will be applied. This also applies to Purchase Invoice, on selection of Supplier, the templates are set depending on the addresses. For example, IGST.
2. Features
2.1 Sales Taxes and Charges table
- Consider Tax or Charge for: Total – for the total of all items. Valuation – for each item. Valuation and total – apply tax/charge to both. Check out this article to know the difference.
- Reference Row #: If tax is based on “Previous Row Total” you can select the row number which will be taken as a base for this calculation (default is the previous row).
- Is this Tax included in Basic Rate?: If checked, the tax amount will be considered as already included in the Print Rate / Print Amount in the Item table of a transaction. This is useful when you want to give tax inclusive price to your customers. To account for tax inclusive rates, the system calculates the Net Amount by deducting the amount of tax to be applied then calculates the tax on it.
- Account Head: The Account ledger under which this tax will be booked. If you select VAT or any other preset heads, the rate will be automatically filled.
- Cost Center: If the tax/charge is an income (like shipping) or expense it needs to be booked against a Cost Center.
- Description: Description of the tax (that will be printed in invoices/quotes).
- Rate: The Tax rate, eg: 14 = 14% tax.
- Amount: The Tax amount to be applied, eg: 100.00 = ₹100 tax.
The tax rates you define in the template be the standard tax rate for all Items. If there are Items that are supposed have different rates, you can override the standard tax rate by setting an Item Tax Template to the Item or Item Group.
Shipping Rule
Using Shipping Rule you can define the cost for delivering the product to the customer the supplier.
You can define different shipping rules or a fixed shipping amount for the same item across different territories.
To access Shipping Rule, go to:
Home > Selling > Items and Pricing > Shipping Rule
1. How to create a Shipping Rule
- Go to the Shipping Rule list, click on New.
- Enter the Shipping Rule label, for example ‘Priority Shipping’ or ‘Next Day Shipping’.
- Proceed with accounting details like Shipping Account, Cost Center to which amount will be charged, and Shipping Amount.
- Under Calculate Based On, you can also change the calculation on which the Shipping Rule will be applied like net total quantity or net total weight, by default it is “Fixed”.
- Save.
2. Features
2.1 Shipping Rule Conditions
On selecting Net Total or Net Weight, a table will appear where you can set the from and to values for the amount or weight. Enter the Shipping Amount to be calculated for the entered range. Add more conditions as necessary. You can select only one of the three calculation methods in one Shipping Rule.
2.2 Restrict to Countries
You can restrict the Shipping Rule to certain countries, add the countries in the table. By default, the Shipping Rule will be applicable globally.
Party Specific Item
Party Specific Item is a document using which you can restrict certain items based on item name, brand or item group to a specific Customer or Supplier for a sales or purchase transaction.
Below is how the form looks:
Party Type: This can be Customer or Supplier.
Party: A specific Supplier/Customer depending on the option you choose for the Party Type.
Restrict Items Based On: User can restrict certain items to a specific Customer or Supplier based on one of these attributes – Item Group / Brand / Item.
Based On Value: Options for this field will depend on what you choose for the above field.
Item Price
Item Price is the record in which you can log the selling and buying rate of an item.
1. How to create Item Price
- There are two ways to reach a new Item Price form:Selling/Buying/Stock > Items and Pricing > Item Price > New.OrStock > Item > Click on “+” next to Item Price.
- Select the Item. The name, UoM and description will be fetched.
- Select the Price List whether Selling/Buying price or any other price list you may have created.
- Enter the actual rate in the Rate field.
- Save.
1.1 Selecting the Price List
You can create multiple Price Lists for one Item in IONIC ERP to track Selling and Buying Price of an Item separately. Also if the Item’s selling prices change based on Territory or due to other criteria, you can create multiple Selling Price Lists for it.
On selection of Price List, its currency and applicability whether for selling/buying or both will be fetched as well. To have Item Price fetching in the sales or purchase transaction, you should have ‘Price List’ selected in the transaction under Currency and Price List.
To check all Item Prices together, go to:
Stock > Stock Reports > Item Price Stock
Visit the Price Lists page to know more.
2. Features
2.1 Unit of Measurement (UOM)
User can add UOM specific item prices if one item is sold in differnt UOMs. For Eg: Lets say an item Rice is sold in 1 KG and 500 grams packet then users can mention the UOM in the item prices and based on the UOM selected in the transaction Item Prcie will be applied
2.2 Packing Unit
This is the quantity that must be bought or sold per unit of measure. For example, if Packing Unit is two, and UOM is one, two items in quantity will be transacted. The default is 0, you can use non-integer UoM like 1.5Kg Oats for 1 Packing Unit. If you leave it as 0, it’ll not affect any transaction.
2.3 Minimum quantity
This is the minimum quantity of items to be transacted for this price to be applicable and updated in the Item Price list.
2.4 Applying Price List to a specific Customer/Supplier
If you select a Selling Price list, a customer field will appear where you can assign this Item Price to a specific customer. Likewise, if you select a Buying Price List, a Supplier field will appear where you can select a specific Supplier
2.5 Applying Price List to a specific Batch
You can also link a specific batch to an Item Price and on the selection of that batch in the transaction, the item price for that specific batch will be applied.
2.6 Validity
There are two fields here—’Valid From’ and ‘Valid Upto’. Valid from is set to the date you created the Item Price, you can also set the Valid Upto date on which the Item Price will expire.
2.7 Lead Time in days
The approximate number of days it takes the product to reach the warehouse. You can set different Item Prices based on how much time the same product will reach you from different vendors.
2.8 Note
You can add any note about the Item Price in this field.
Item Group
An Item Group is a way to classify items based on types.
Depending on the type of product, you can categorize an item under its respective field. If the product is service-oriented, assign it under the Item Group – service. If the product is used as a raw-material, assign it under the Raw Material category. In case, an item is used only in trading, you can categorize it under an Item Group called Trading.
To access the Item Group list, go to:
Home > Stock > Items and Pricing > Item Group
This is what the Item Group tree looks like:
1. How to create an Item Group
- Go to the Item Group list, click on New.
- Select a group node under which you wish to create the Item Group, the default root is ‘All Item Groups’.
- Select ‘Add Child’ or click on the New button.
- To make this child a category/group node, tick on Group Node.
- Click on Create New.
1.2 Delete an Item Group
- Select the Item Group you want to delete.
- Select ‘Delete’.
- Click on Yes.
2. Features
To see the following options, click on an Item Group, click on Edit.
2.1 Parent Item Group
You can change the parent Item Group of an item by choosing another one under General Settings.
2.2 Defaults
- Default Price List: A default price list that’ll determine the Item Prices for this Item Group.
- Default Warehouse: Default Warehouse set in transactions for the items that belong to this group.
- Default Buying/Selling Cost Center: The default Buying/Selling Cost Center to which items in this group will be billed against.
- Default Expense/Income Account: The default accounts for items that belong to this group.
- Default Supplier: On setting a Supplier here, this supplier will be chosen in purchase transactions by default for items in this group.
2.3 Item Tax
A default item tax template will be applied to all items belonging to this group. Similarly a Tax Category can also be selected, visit Quotation to know more about Tax Categories.
2.4 Website Settings
- Show in Website: Items belonging to this group will be shown on your website under the Item Group.
- Weightage: This is the weight for the Item Groups themselves, item groups with higher weights will be shown first.
- Slideshow: A slideshow for the Item Group, just like in an Item. Visit the Homepage page in Website module to know more.
- Description: This will appear on the Item Group page.
- Website Specifications: Label and its description for an item group.
Unit of Measure (UoM)
A UoM is a unit using which an Item is measured.
By default, there are many UoMs created in IONIC ERP. However, more can be added depending on your business use case. In the UoM there is an option ‘Must be Whole Number’. If this is checked, you cannot use fraction numbers in this UoM. To know more about fractions and UoMs, check out this page.
The UoM list by itself only stores the name. The actual conversion rates are stored in a document called ‘UoM Conversion Factor’. If you add new UoMs and plan to use it in transactions where it’ll be converted to other UoMs, it is advised that you add it to this list.
For example, here 1 Kg is approximately 2.2 Pounds and the exact conversion factor is stored:
A manufacturer created or produces an Item.
A Manufacturer may not be the same person/company that sells the Item under a specific Brand. For example, Unico Plastics can be the Manufacturer of plastic brushes but it may be sold under a Brand, say, Super Brushes.
In ERPNext, a Manufacturer can be used to identify Items using a specific part number.
To access the Manufacturer list, go to:
Home > Stock > Manufacturer
1. How to Create a Manufacturer
- Go to the Manufacturer list and click on New.
- Enter a Manufacturer name and enter a description if needed.
- Save.
After creating a Manufacturer, it can be set in the Item form with a Manufacturer Part Number for identification.
1.1 Additional details
The following details can be set for a Manufacturer:
- Website
- Country
- Logo
2. Features
2.1 Address and Contacts
An Address and Contact can be set for this Manufacturer.
A Program will have an educational curriculum defined by your institute to streamline the learning process and goals in each subject or course.
For example, Economics Major would be a Program taught at an institution that will have various courses within.
An Economics major would look something like this:
To access the Program list go to:
Home > Education > Masters > Program
1. Prerequisites
To create a New Program, it is advised to create the following first:
- Department
- Course
2. Creating a New Program
- Go to the Program list and click on New.
- Enter the Program Name and the Program Abbreviation.
- Select the Department for the Program.
- Select and add the courses within the Program.
- Save.
2.1 Alternate ways of creating a new Program
A new program can also be created from a course, in the following way:
2.2 Additional Options while creating a new Program
- Portal Settings
- Is Published: For every program created in IONIC ERP, there is a check-box in the Portal settings, that allows the Program to be published on the portal. This can facilitate Self Enrollment and other settings for the program. Once this box is checked, the following options will be available for the user.
- Allow Self Enroll: Once this box is checked, the students/applicants would be able to enroll themselves for the program on the portal.
- Is Featured: Enabling this option would allow the program to be featured on the portal.
- Intro Video: Enter the link for the video that you wish to add an Introductory Video for the Program.
- Description: Add the description of the Program which you want to be visible on the portal.
A course can be considered as a subject or a part of an educational program which is to be taught for a term.
For example, if for a particular term, Economics Major is a program taught in the institute, then Mathematical Methods for Economics would be a Course covered under the program.
A course will have a set of topics that are to be covered under it’s scope.
To access the course list, go to:
Home > Education > Masters > Course
1. Prerequisites
Before creating a course, it is advised to create:
- Department
- Topics
2. How to create a course
- Go to Course List and click on New.
- Enter the Course Name.
- Select the Department under which this course is being made.
- Add the Topics. You can also create the topics from here itself.
- Add the Description for the course.
- Save.
3. Features
3.1. Assessment
For every new Course a User can have a New Assessment setting where in they can define the criteria based on which the students will be assessed for the course.
- Default Grading Scale: A default Grading Scale can be set up for the course, wherein you can define what would be the achievement level of the student based on the scores they earn for a course.
- Assessment Criteria: You can define the Assessment Criteria for this course wherein based on the different parameters of assessment, the student’s understanding of the subject would be assessed.
4. More Actions
Once the course has been created, the following documents can be created from the course, which will later be linked to the course.
- Program
- Student Group
- Course Schedule
- Assessment Plan
A Topic is a subunit of a Course and will contain all the contents related to the topic.
For example, under the program Economics Major, the course Mathematical Methods in Economics would be course whereas, within the course ‘Linear Algebra’ would be a topic.
The content of the topic could be in the form of an article, a video or a quiz.
To access the Topic list, go to:
Home > Education > Masters > Topic
1. Prerequisites
Before creating a New Topic, it is advisable that you create the following first:
- Article
- Video
- Quiz
2. How to create a Topic
- Click on New Topic and add the title of the Topic.
- Add the related course (optionally).
- Select the Content Type for the topic. It could be an Article, a Video or a Quiz.
- Select the Content for the Topic. You can create a New Article, Video or a Quiz from here itself.
- Optionally add a description and Save.
An instructor is a teacher, tutor, or a professor that will be responsible for teaching a particular topic or course to the students.
This document can be used to maintain the Instructor Log in the form of a list of topics/courses covered by the Instructor. This log will have the entire history of the courses taught by the Instructor.
To access the instructor list, go to:
Home > Education > Masters > Instructor
1. Prerequisites
Before creating an instructor, it is advisable to first create the following:
- Employee
- Department
- Academic Year
- Academic Term
- Program
- Course
- Student Group
2. How to create an Instructor
- Click on New Instructor.
- Select the Employee ID/Employee Name for the Instructor.
- Select the Department for which you are creating an Instructor.
- Save.
3. Features
3.1. Instructor Log
- Academic Year: The Academic Year for which the Instructor is created.
- Academic Term: The Academic Term for which the Instructor is created.
- Department: The department to which the Instructor belongs to.
- Program: The Program for which the Instructor Log is being made.
- Course: The course for which the Instructor Log is being made.
- Student Group: The Student Group for which the user is making the Instructor Log.
- Other Details: Any other details regarding the Instructor Log can be recorded here.
3.2. After Submitting
Once the Instructor and Instructor Log is saved, you can create the following from there:
- Student Group
- Course Schedule
- Assessment Plan
Note: While creating an Assessment Plan from the Instructor, the user can select whether the Instructor has to be kept as a Supervisor or as an Examiner for the Assessment plan.
Room refers to a tutoring space which can be set as the venue for courses or examinations.
Examples of a room are Examination Halls, Classrooms, or Labs. The Room will have details like Room number and Room Capacity.
To access Room, go to:
Home > Education > Masters > Room
1. How to create a Room
- Go to the Room list and click on New.
- Add the name of the room.
- Add the Room Number for the selected room.
- Enter the Seating capacity for the room.
2. Other Actions
A Room can be further linked to a Course Schedule.
Student Category
Student Category allows you to classify the students based on various categories.
In Institutions, there may be fee concession for some categories such as Handicapped Students, Foreign Nationals, Reserved Categories by the government, etc.
When a Student is enrolled for a Program, you can select the select the Category for the Student.
To access Student category, go to:
Home > Education > Settings > Student Category
1. How to create a Student Category
To create a new student category, click on New Student Category and add the name of the Student Category.
You can select the Student Category while making the Fee Structure and accordingly the student from the selected groups can be filtered out while making the Fee Schedule.
Academic Term
An Academic Term would become a part of the Academic Year, during which the Institute will assess its Students on the curriculum defined for that term. It could be a Quarter, Trimester or a Semester.
To access Academic term, go to:
Home > Education > Settings > Academic Term
The Academic term form in IONIC ERP enables you to create academic terms within in an Academic Year. Based on the term schedule enter the start and end date for the schedule and generate the Academic Term.
If the Academic Term has been specified in the Education Settings then it will become the default Academic Term in all the forms and will be editable if required.
The following are the various forms where Academic Term is a relevant field:
- Student Log
- Student Group
- Student Applicant
- Student Admission
- Program Enrollment
- Assessment Plan
- Assessment Result
- Assessment Criteria
- Fees
- Fee Schedule
- Fee Structure
- Fee Category
- Course Schedule
Academic Year
An academic year is a period which the Educational Institutes, Schools and Universities use to measure a quantity of study.
The Academic year form have the Start and End date for the Academic year.
Within an Academic Year, you can have multiple Academic Terms.
An academic Year can be further liked to a Student group, which can be created from an Academic Year.
If the Academic Year has been specified in the Education Settings then it will become the default Academic Term in all the forms and will be editable if required.
The following are the various forms where Academic Year is a relevant field:
- Student Log
- Student Group
- Student Applicant
- Student Admission
- Program Enrollment
- Assessment Plan
- Assessment Result
- Assessment Criteria
- Fees
- Fee Schedule
- Fee Structure
- Fee Category
- Course Schedule
Education Settings
The Education Settings will allow you to do a basic setup for your Institute wherein you can define the Academic Year, Academic Term, and other defaults for your IONIC ERP account.
These configuration settings will have an impact throughout the module.
To access Academic term, go to:
Home > Education > Settings > Education Settings
1. Steps to configure Education Settings
- Select the current Academic Year. This will become the default Academic Year throughout your account.
- Select the current Academic Term. This will become the default Academic Term throughout your account.
- Select the Attendance Freeze date. Any attendance captured after the Attendance Freeze Date would not be valid.
- Select how you want the Instructor Records to be created, using Full Name, using Naming series or using Employee Number.
- Instructor Record to be created by: You can select how you want the Instructor Records to be created in your IONIC ERP system, whether it should be by Full Name, by Naming series, or by Employee Code.
1.1. Configuring Properties
- Validate Batch for Students in Student Group: When adding students to a student group via Batch, the system will verify whether the student belongs to that batch or no, and if the same has not happened, an error will be shown while saving the Student Group.
- Validate Batch for Students in Student Group: When adding students to a student group via Course, the system will verify whether the student is enrolled to that course or no, and if the same has not happened, an error will be shown while saving the Student Group.
- Make Academic Term Mandatory: When enabled, this option will ensure that while creating a Program Enrollment via the Program Enrollment Tool, the user has to enter the Academic Term.
- Skip User Creation for New Student: Whenever a new student is created, by default a User is created against it. If this option is enabled, no new User will be created when a new Student is created.
1.2. LMS Settings
The Education module is bundled with a Learning Management System (LMS) out of the box. This allows institutes to publish their programs on their website. Programs can contain rich text articles, videos, and even quizzes. The progress of individual students can be tracked through the desk as well as the portal.
Once you Enable LMS for your IONIC ERP Education module, the following settings would be available for configuration:
- LMS Title: Enter the Title for your LMS. It could be the name of your Institute.
- Description: You can add the description of the course for your LMS.
You can further go to LMS Activity to add the courses, articles or quizzes for your LMS. To access your LMS portal, you may go to the URL, {yourdomainname}
Basics of Manufacturing
IONIC ERP comes batteries included for all requirements of a manufacturing business like maintaining Warehouses, Workstation / Machine, Operations, Finished Goods, Raw Materials, Bill of Materials tracking, Work Order planning and execution, procurement, and a lot more.
1. Master Data
The Manufacturing module in IONIC ERP helps you to maintain Warehouses(location), Workstations, Operations, Finished Goods, and Raw Materials. For manufacturing Operations and their respective Workstations are important, which can be configured based on the Finished Goods in the Bill of Materials. Warehouses are useful to store the Raw Materials and the Finished Goods. In IONIC ERP, users can create separate Warehouse to keep Raw Materials, and Finished Goods.
More details are as below:
- Warehouse
- Workstation / Machine
- Operation
- Raw Material / Finished Good
- Routing
2. Transaction Data
The Manufacturing module in IONIC ERP helps you to maintain a multilevel Bill of Materials (BOMs) for your Items. It helps in product costing, production planning, creating work orders for your manufacturing shop floors, creating job cards, and planning inventory by getting your material requirements via BOMs (also called Material Requirements Planning or MRP).
More details are as below:
- Bill Of Materials
- Work Order
- Job Card
- Production Plan
3. Types of Production Planning
Broadly, there are three types of Production Planning Systems:
- Make to Stock: In these systems, production is planned based on a forecast and the Items are then sold to distributors or customers. All fast-moving consumer goods that are sold in retail shops like soaps, packaged water, etc. and electronics like phones are made to stock.
- Make to Order: In these systems, items are manufactured only after the customer places an order of a certain number according to the customer’s requirement. For example, a wedding cake.
- Engineer to Order: In this case, each sale is a separate project and has to be designed and engineered to the requirements of the customer. Common examples of this are any custom business-like furniture, machine tools, specialty devices, metal fabrication, etc.
Most small and medium-sized manufacturing businesses are based on a make to order or engineer to order system and so is IONIC ERP.
For engineer to order systems, the Manufacturing module should be used along with the Project module.
4. Manufacturing impact on Inventory
Work order status is dependent upon the stock transactions made against it. In IONIC ERP, you can transfer the raw materials required to make finished goods from Store to Work In Progress Warehouse. From Work-In-Progress warehouse the raw materials can be consumed using the Stock Entry. You get the option to either bulk consume the raw materials and add the finished good or consumed the materials first and then add the finished good.
Manufacturing Settings
Manufacturing Settings can be found at:
Home > Manufacturing > Settings > Manufacturing Settings
Capacity Planning
Capacity planning is the process in which an organization decides whether or not to accept the new orders based on the resources and existing work orders.
Disable Capacity Planning
If checked, capacity planning won’t be done. Enabling it will help to decide whether or not to accept the new orders based on the resources and existing work orders.
Allow Overtime
If enabled it’ll allow creating work orders, job cards etc. outside workstation working hours.
Allow Production on Holidays
If enabled, it’ll allow production activities even on those days that are marked as holidays as per the Holiday List of the organization.
Capacity Planning For (Days)
The number of days specified here means the number of days in advance when the capacity planning activities will be initiated for production.
Time Between Operations (Mins)
This specifies the time span that should be kept between two operations in minutes.
Over Production Allowance Percentage
While making Work Orders against a Sales Order, the system will only allow production item quantity to be lesser than or equal to the quantity in the Sales Order. In case you wish to allow Work Orders to be raised with greater quantity, you can mention the Over Production Allowance Percentage here.
Example: In certain cases, a Workstation has to manufacture 100 units for cost effectiveness but the Work Order could be for 50 units. In this case, the Over Production Allowance Percentage would be 100.
Default Work In Progress Warehouse
This Warehouse will be auto-updated in the ‘Work In Progress’ Warehouse field of Work Orders.
Default Finished Goods Warehouse
This Warehouse will be auto-updated in the ‘Target Warehouse’ field of Work Order.
Allow Continuous Material Consumption
If enabled, materials can be consumed without immediately manufacturing finished goods in a single Work Order.
This is useful if one or more time consuming products are being manufactured. For example a single product takes a month to manufacture and the raw materials are consumed daily. In a regular scenario, this won’t be feasible with stock entries. Enabling this option will allow you to create stock entries for Material Consumption without having to create an entry to backflush. End result is that you can see the stock being consumed in the Warehouses and can update the final manufacture entry for finished goods at a later stage.
Backflush raw materials based on
The method selected here will be chosen for backflushing raw materials : 1. Material Transferred for Manufacture 2. BOM
Add Corrective Operation Cost in Finished Good Valuation
If enabled then the cost for a corrective operation type will also be included while calculating finished goods valuation
Update BOM Cost Automatically
If ticked, the BOM cost will be automatically updated based on Valuation Rate / Price List Rate / last purchase rate of raw materials.
Allow Excess Material Transfer
If enabled, the Material Transfer button will be visible and will allow you to transfer raw materials even if after the raw material requirement is fulfilled against a Job Card.
This is particularly useful in cases where the transferred raw materials are damaged and additional raw materials need to be transferred to produce the same amount of finished goods as intended.
Make Serial No/Batch from Work Order
If checked, system will automatically create the serial numbers / batches for finished goods on submission of Work Order
Manufacturing Dashboard
To access the Manufacturing Dashboard, go to:
Home > Customization > Dashboard > Manufacturing
Number Cards
- Monthly Total Work Order :- You will get the total count of Work Orders which are in Open, In Progress, and Completed state. The Work Orders created one month before the current date will be displayed in the number card.
- Monthly Completed Work Order :- The user will get the total count of Work Orders which are in the Completed state. The Work Orders created one month before the current date will be displayed in the number card.
- Ongoing Job Card :- The user will get the total count of Job Cards that are not in the Completed state.
- Monthly Quality Inspection :- The user will get the total count of Quality Inspection records which are in the Submitted state. The Work Orders created one month before the current date will be displayed in the number card.
You can see some predefined graph reports in the dashboard when you open the Manufacturing module. These reports are fully customizable, you can choose what to show or hide and also configure the metrics on which the reports are shown.
Produced Quantity
The chart will give the information about the total quantity produced (using Work Order) in the last year on a Quarterly basis. Users can also view the chart data based on Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly basis.
Completed Operation
The chart will give information about the total number of operations completed in the last year on Quarterly basis. Users can also view the chart data based on Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly basis.
Work Order Analysis
This chart will give the information about the number of Work Orders based on Not Started, In Process, Stopped, Completed statuses. This Donut chart will provide the information based on the last year’s Work Order data. Your can also change the date range by clicking on the Filter button.
Quality Inspection Analysis
This chart will give information about the number of Quality Inspections based on Accepted and Rejected status. The chart type is a donut and it will provide the information based on the last year’s quality inspection data. Your can change the date range by clicking on the Filter button.
Pending Work Orders
The chart will give information about the number of Work Orders that are pending based on the aging days. The number of aging days is calculated based on the difference between the current date and planned start / actual start date days.
Last Month Downtime Analysis
The chart will give information about the total number of minutes a machine was not working in the last month. This helps the operator to know which machine has not performed well and requires maintenance.
Work Order Quantity Analysis
The chart will give information about the total number of quantities that are Pending and Completed based on the Work Orders every month for the last year.
Job Card Analysis
The chart will give information about the total number of Job Cards which are in the Pending and Completed states every month for the last year.